Essex Golf and Country Clubhouse

Accessibility and Golf Cart Policy for Members with Disabilities


Background and Rationale:

At the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Board addressed member concerns regarding accessibility for individuals who rely on golf carts, particularly on days when cart use is restricted due to adverse weather conditions. Members emphasized the importance of equitable access for golfers with disabilities while preserving the health and quality of the course.
During these discussions, it became evident that the club lacked a clear and comprehensive policy to address these concerns. While the Board supported the initial efforts to accommodate members with disabilities, it was recognized at the subsequent Board meeting that the existing approach required refinement to ensure fairness, clarity, and consistency.
In response, this policy was developed to strike a balance between accessibility and course preservation. The policy aims to:
  1. Ensure equitable access for members who rely on carts due to physical disabilities.
  2. Establish transparent guidelines and eligibility criteria for cart use on non-cart days.
  3. Protect the course from damage caused by cart use in adverse weather conditions.
  4. Introduce a blue flag system to clearly identify approved cart users and ensure compliance The key components of this policy are outlined below.

Golf Cart Privileges for Cart Days

  • Golf cart privileges are extended to members and guests who have submitted either:
    • A valid Accessible Parking Permit issued by Service Ontario, or
    • A doctor’s note certifying the need for mobility assistance.
  • Documentation must be submitted to the PGA professional staff or a designated manager for approval.
  • Additional riders may accompany an approved member, but only when carts are available to the general membership.

Medical Golf Cart Privileges for Non-Cart Days

  • Golf cart privileges on non-cart days are extended only to members and guests who have submitted a valid Accessible Parking Permit issued by Service Ontario.
  • Restrictions During Non-Cart Days:
    • When cart use is prohibited for the general membership due to inclement weather or course conditions, only members with approved documentation may use a cart.
    • No other cart users, including their golf bags, are permitted to use carts during these times.
  • Cart Restriction Justification:
    • Carts may be restricted to prevent ground compaction, turf damage, and safety hazards during periods of excessive saturation.

Accessibility Designation

  • Identification of Approved Cart Users:
    • A blue flag will be displayed on the golf cart of approved users to inform Turf staff, Management, and other players of their eligibility under this policy.

Compliance with Designated Path Restrictions

Members granted blue flags must adhere to the following guidelines:
  • Carts may be driven up to the green and tee areas but must not enter these areas.
  • Carts are prohibited on sloped areas, roped-off sections, or any other marked areas where cart traffic could cause damage or safety concerns.
  • Carts must not be operated on roads outside the course boundaries, except when traveling to the driving range.

Communication and Notification Plan

To ensure that all members are informed for non-cart days, the club will implement the following communication plan:
  • Advance Notifications: Members will receive electronic notifications of anticipated non- cart days
  • Day-of Updates: If conditions improve, the club will provide updates regarding the availability of general cart access.

Management Rights and Responsibilities

  • Course Management reserves the right to restrict or cancel all cart usage, including for members with additional privileges, in cases of inclement weather or maintenance- related conditions.
  • Suspension of Privileges: Cart privileges may be suspended or revoked, with or without warning, for violations of this policy.
For a PDF copy of this policy please click the following link:  Accessibility Policy Final